Her nerves were gone. Just like that. No more anxiety; no apprehension at all. All week, her fear had been building to a fever pitch; she had been certain that tonight she would collapse like a soufflé, her insides runny and sad, the rest of her crumpled into a heap. But no. Mercifully, she was intact. Intact and unafraid.
Scarlett looked at herself in the mirror and was sure. She was ready. Everything in her life had led up to this moment; every day had been only a rehearsal for this night. She ran through a vocalise for confirmation; her voice was rich and easy. She smiled; a dazzling smile of pure joy, and opened her dressing room door. Carefully, she walked out to the wings; her cue would come soon. The orchestra swelled, and her heart rose with the sound.
She was on.
© 2009 Cynthia Newcomer Daniel
Brass filigree and chain maille, seed beads, swarovski crystals and pearls, cubic zirconia. This necklace won first place in the Use the Muse contest. Hand fabricated.
I saw your sneak peak before the Big Reveal and loved _that_. This piece is gorgeous. I love it - I want it. Actually, I want your design genius. That would be nice. Congratulations!
This is absolutely spectacular. Wonderful to look at.
Congratulations! Your piece definitely deserved the top prize!
I knew you were a giant in the beading world! Congratulations and celebrate - nobody else could have made that gorgeous piece. Judy
Congratulations on your win - it's beautiful and no one else could have done it. Celebrate!
Another fabulous piece! I love it!great design, as always!
Wow, this is really a very lovely piece. I was wondering if the technique you used for the curvy beaded links is the one posted on the French Forum as being "Herringbone doublé"?
Cath, I don't know! What is "the French Forum?" It isn't one that I've visited. This is an embellished form of herringbone that I invented in order to stabilize this piece, but that doesn't mean it didn't already exist! LOL!
The "French Forum" is actually Belgian, called HDPS.be - The technique is indeed a form of embellished herringbone. I used it for a necklace that I sent to FMG contest 2 years ago to make a stiff stem for beaded Lilly of the Valley. It curves very nicely. What you did is much more intricated. Amazing! How wonderful! I've always been convinced that people can have same ideas in different places in the world! Oh and by the way, congrats for winning the Muse contest.
Thank you! Yes, I think most ideas have more than one inventor; and a lot of the time, things are invented because we need them at that moment. I will go take a peek at that forum and see if it is the same technique!
Wonderful jewelry!
What creativity and what inspiration you give us...
Thnak you so much for putting a smile on my face so early in the morning ... :o)))
LOL ( Lots of Love) from Paris, France
Marylo, la rêveuse
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